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What is Today's human mind set

I think the thoughts of youngsters are being under pressure with the ghost of success. They only want to be succeed in their life but they don't know that how they could be..... Every human is under pressure with their tasks and projects of MNC's in which they are working......
In India, when a boy or girl would be about 19 to 22 years almost then they thought that they would do jobs in Banks and govt. Sectors and other related to govt. Sectors.......such as govt. Teacher and water works and electric department........
What the mind is only like this type of every human in India?
Not only students but also their parents wants that their children would become a government employee but they don't want to send their child's to the private sector.....
In India, a private college lecturers have less value according to a 3rd grade primary  school teacher.
They would prefer to a government employee rather then the private college level lecturars . This is the unfortunate future of India.
I listen a few persons or  I should say youngesters in India, that they want to become like the Tata, Birla, Ambani, Adani or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg......
In India, As the world know about the reservation and the corruption which is all around in private sector......
I want to share one thing which I experienced very much that.....
Last Sunday , when I wake up then I saw my Sleeper first and That day I saw the Brand name first of my Sleeper and then I go to washroom and I notice about the Brands which is in my Bathroom and then  I go for a walk and I see all around myself about branding and companies......
When I came back from walk then I saw that the newspaper which I read every day but that day I thought that why I read this particular news paper oy why would I not have others.......after I go to somewhere with my car but then I thought that why I didn't have Others and After a long time, I thought deeply about it.....
The conclusion is....what we eat and what we wear, what we read .....this all things would decided by the businessman in our country and this is the truth of everyone......... Reliance decided that the electricity would be available at that time or not...........Mark Zuckerberg decided that facebook is live or not for all Billion people ............ google decided the search results of our searches that what google want to show us........Bill Gates decided that windows operating systems based PC's used in India or not...........sundar pichai would decide that apple iphone or Mac os is available for India or not........
Farrary owner would decide that Indians would drive this car.....
So, these are the pillars of the world, they decide that what is seen by us ........
Even which govt is elected in election this is also decided in World by the Businessman of the world.......
Throughout a survey that first 100 Billionaires of the world have almost 25 % - 35% money of the world.......
Some Businessman have their own Iland in the sea.......
The question is clear that did the Humans in India don't have the power to become 2nd Bill Gates and 2nd Mark Zuckerberg or first Indian person who is the richest Businessman in the world ?


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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