Hello World! Hello World! Using this project This is the Glitch Hello Website project. You can use it to build your own site. Check out the code in the editor and open the TODO for next steps!

NASA Warned by the Native Elders of Arctic – “The Sun, Moon, and Earth Are Changing”

During the global warming summit in Copenhagen, Eskimos told something absolutely disturbing. They commented about the worrying climatic conditions altered by industrial and pollution activity. However, all these aspects are just one small part of the whole story
They already sent dozens of e-mails to NASA in order to let them know about this drastic changed in our planet’s constitution.
According to them, the Sun is no longer rising from where it supposed to do and that the day is longer than is used to be. The Sun, and the moon and the stars affected the temperature making it difficult to predict the weather. Moreover, they claim that the Earth has changed its position to the north.


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