
सितंबर, 2021 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं
Hello World! Hello World! Using this project This is the Glitch Hello Website project. You can use it to build your own site. Check out the code in the editor and open the TODO for next steps!

Day 1: Time Complexity and Arrays

Now, I am going to learn Data Structures and Algorithms and also the Competitive Programming and Problem Solving. Date: 14th Sept. 2021 Day 1: Time Complexity and Array Problems: 1. Insertion 2. Deletion 3. Linear Search 4. Binary Search 5. Maximum Element in an Array 6. Second Largest Element. 7. Third Largest Element. 8. Move 0's to the End. 9. Move 1's to the End. 10. Reverse and Array. 11. Left Rotation of an Array. 12. Right Rotation of an Array. 13. Leader in An Array. 14. Maximum Difference in Array. 15. Stocks Sell and Buy. 16. Trapping Rain Water Problem. 17. Maximum Consecutive 1's in an Array. 18. Maximum Sum of Subarray. 19. Maximum Length Even-Odd SubArray. 20. Maximum Circular Subarray Sum. 21. Majority Element in an Array. 22. Maximum Group Flips to make the same. 23. Maximum sum of k Consecutive Elements (Sliding Window Technique). 24. Prefix Sum. 25. Maximum Appearing Element in the Range. 26...